sabato 26 gennaio 2013

NullPointerException Bug reported again

A new report for a NullPointerException at startup was signaled by an user.

It's the same bug found in 1.32 in drawString.
Some code modification was done in 1.4 to workaround the problem, apparently without success.

Thanks to the report, the root cause was isolated (a missing initialization) and
(hopefully) fixed.

The fix will be included in the upcoming 1.42 release for both free and paid versions.

giovedì 17 gennaio 2013

One year of Jatris Free

One year ago Jatris Free was published on Google play for the first time.

Time for some numbers :

220   active users

Not so big numbers but increasing :-)

I'm now working to extend the graphic library to include OpenGL 2d rendering (now Jatris uses Canvas only) in order to switch between this two modes when creating a more power requiring game.

To achieve graphic backend independence I'm rewriting the code in order to completely separate the rendering code from the logic one.

During code rewrite some bug was found and fixed.